Hertfordshire Mountaineering Club

Welcome to the new website

On behalf of the new 2014 committee I would like to welcome you all to our new and improved website, many great thanks to Phil Whitehurst for all his hard work in producing such a gem. Not only do we have a new look, but increased functionality and ease of use. It is now much easier to stay in touch, view club activities and book on to Meets.

My thanks to those of you who have now joined me on the committee, I can assure club members that we will be working hard in your best interest to continue to keep the Club running smoothly, while investigating ways to make the club an even better experience.

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the new site, so that you can get the maximum from it.

We recently asked you all to take part in a Club Meets survey. I am pleased to say we got a very good response with 47 of the 80 members contributing their views. The stats for this are being collated and will be published in due course.

It has been very worthwhile for forward planning of future meets. We are now in a position to tailor much closely the preferences of members on type of venue and location going in to 2015.

I look forward to seeing you all on a club meet in the future.

Paul Hearn