Hertfordshire Mountaineering Club

Website – Contacting Club Members

May 13th, 2014 by


Here’s a note on how to get in touch directly with other club members.  I didn’t include this yesterday, as I hadn’t activated the functionality at that point as I was still evaluating some final options.

Arranging Lifts for Meets

When logged in, there is the functionality to enable you to comment on events you are attending, and to see and reply to other club member comments.  This is visible to all logged in club members, and is a good way of seeking lifts etc. When someone replies to a comment you have made, you should get an email notification that you have a comment reply.

Exchanging personal details

There will come a point however when you’ve identified whom you wish to share a lift with, and you want to get in touch directly, to exchange details, and finalize arrangements.

Emailing other club members

There is now the functionality to email other club members directly from the website.  You are limited to emailing one club member at a time, to prevent mass emails being sent by individual club members (excepting committee).  To do this click on your name when logged in, which takes you to your profile area, and on the left you will see a email users menu item.

Contact Members Screen

Click on Send to User(s).

You will see the following screen.

Contact Members

Click on a member’s name (you may only select one club member to prevent mass emails), fill in the email subject, and enter your email text in the message area, then click send. It may look different, depending on the age of your browser, just click on the recipient box if an older browser and a club member list should pop up.

Both you and the other club member will get the email, with their email in the TO box, and yours in the CC, and noreply@thehmc.co.uk in the FROM box.  Be aware of this when replying to the email, as that will just send to the noreply@thehmc.co.uk which is a dead mailbox.

Please use it considerately

Please use this feature considerately, and do not abuse it, or it will be taken away.

Keeping in touch

As Paul hinted at, in his launch news: another way for club members to keep in touch without needing to use Stephen Deaville as a Medium.
