There have been a few emails from members lately where they have had difficulty booking onto events. In each case the cause was the same, so I thought I’d share a bit of information to help others avoid these pitfalls. The cause was that they were not logged in.
You must be logged into the website. If you are not logged in then you cannot book on events and you cannot comment or see the comments of others. You can log in with your name or the email you provided to the club. You can change your email in your profile but that another news item. If you’ve forgotten your name(!) or email please contact Stephen Deaville (Secretary) who will be able to let you know what we have recorded for you.
Once logged in you’ll see the logout link (circled in red in screen grab below) on the right hand side. If it says login then you are not logged in and cannot book. Click login to login!
I think the confusion was because login by default took you to the backend of the website (if login was successful) where you can update your profile (email address, emergency contacts, phone number). A confusing place to be if you’re not there very often. It also didn’t make it obvious if you’d entered the wrong username or password, and therefore were not logged in otherwise. I have changed the login process so that by default it will take you to the welcome page (if you are not an admin or committee member) of the website, which should make getting to the events page and booking easier after you’ve logged in. If you get your password or username wrong it’ll also be very obvious you haven’t managed to login. If on your own computer; it is worth clicking remember me, so it keeps you logged in on that device (PC, Tablet, Phone etc.). If you do not click remember me then your login session will expire after approximatly 20 mins.
If you can’t remember you password, click on forgotten password link (on the login page) and you’ll get email with a link to reset your password. click on the link and you will be taken to a page to choose a new password. The link will only work once, so do not try and re-use it. Passwords are hashed and salted (encryption to the layman). We do not know your password and cannot provide it.
Happy booking
As we approach the end of the year, a team of dedicated mountaineers have been putting the finishing touches to the events for next year. Next year’s events are are being finalised and are due to be published – keep an eye on the club website.
During the survey earlier this year many HMC members expressed an interest in helping to organise a club Event. If you were one of those people who wanted to help the HMC Committee is asking for a brave volunteer to step forward to help organise an event for the Xmas/New Year 2015 slot.
The volunteer will have a free range to suggest a suitable for the club calendar. If you can help are able to give a bit of time to organise an event for the HMC, please contact the Chairman.
Our annual dinner weekend will be held at the Herts Snowdon centre. For those of you new to the club, the Snowdon Centre is situated at the base of the wonderful Watkin path which climbs the flanks of Snowdon itself. Dinner on Saturday evening the 21st at the Caffi Gwynant a short walk from the Centre. If you are interested in attending the Annual Dinner please register your interest in this Event by emailing the Chairman.
Cafe website:
Our HMC member, Eddie Cornell is arranging another one of his famous Sunday walks. The meeting point will be The Bright Star at Peter’s Green, Kimpton Map ref 142192 at 10am.
We will be walking via the Lea Valley Walk, Someries Castle and the Chiltern Way. There will be a lunch stop on the way, not at a pub, but food is available at The Bright Star where we will finish,if you wish to wait, the walk is about 10 miles.
All the best
Steve Deaville
HMC Secretary
The most popular requests that I’ve seen seem to be “Can I filter the repeating climbing events from the upcoming events page, as I can’t see the events I want to book onto?”. Up until now the answer had been no, because of the way the events were setup. However I have made some changes and there are now 2 pages for events.
This page now excludes all the weekly indoor climbing repeating events, so you can quickly find the events you want to book onto.
This page now shows you all the upcoming weekly repeating indoor climbing events, so you can quickly find out when we are next visiting the climbing walls.
I hope this change makes sense to everyone and allows you to more quickly get to the events you are interested in.
The new club website is packed with features that are intended to help club members manage their own event bookings. In order to take advantage of these new features it is recommended that all members take the time to register and log on to the new site, so that all the features can be enjoyed and see the items that are not on the public side of the site. Any member of the HMC Committee or our ‘web-guru’ Phil Whitehurst are happy to provide help if you need to get started. Some members have asked how they can book a guest onto a meeting using the new website booking system. A new feature of a ‘ +1’ has been added onto Event pages so that a guest or additional member can be added at the same time as an individual booking. The Comments section of each Event page can be used to communicate with other members; for example lift shares and other matters related to the Event can be raised with other members. Don’t forget that we still have our Facebook page where you will find posts and pictures of the latest activities of members – the link is at the top of this email.
Calendar of Events for 2015 The finishing touches to the events for next year are being finalised currently and are due to be published – keep an eye on the club website.
The BMC have just released the dates of their subsidised Courses for affiliated member here: I would like to remind members that we successfully applied and were granted monies from the BMC specifically for the training of members. If any member would like to apply for assistance for a future training course please contact the Chairman. In association with Sherpa the BMC have arranged a series of Winter Lectures by Kenton Cool and Neil Gresham, the nearest one to the Club as detailed here: Best Wishes to all Stephen Secretary HMC Please reoort any errors or omissions